Deep Linking structure for integration
This document provides the structure and examples for creating deep links to integrate our software with your application. This functionality is currently in development and will be available in version 2.8.0 of Glex Energy. We assume you are familiar with the concept of deep links.
Base URL
This is the base URL for all deep links in our system.
This is the function that will be executed. Currently, this is the only function available.
File Parameters
shapefile=”file path” (required) main file with .shp extension
datafile=”file path” (optional) data file with extension .xlsx
attachmentfile=”file path” (optional) files to attach (documents, data or images) supports multiple formats and multiple paths separeted by comma ,
If your file path contains blank spaces they need to be replaces with %20
like in a regular url.
Multiple Prospects
Separate different prospects using semicolons ;
Parameters for Each Prospect
Separate different file parameters using ampersands &
Multiple Attachments for Single Prospect
Separate different path parameters using commas ,
These examples demonstrate the commands that need to be executed to utilize the deep linking functionality
Single Prospect
From browser:
From command line:
start glex://importProspect?"shapefile=PathShpFile1&datafile=PathExcelFile1&attachmentfile=PathAttachmentFile1"
Single prospect with multiple attachments
Multiple Prospects (3 prospects at the same time)
Real Paths Example
Using real paths, it would look something like this:
Example 1:
Import a Prospect with a Shapefile, Excel file and a REP file (.ppr) using a browser or something similar (paste and run the full uri in a web browser)
Example 2:
Import a Prospect with a Shapefile and an Excel file using the cmd (command prompt):
start glex://importProspect?"shapefile=C:\Users\username\Desktop\Glex%20demo\utils\Prospect%20import\Shapefile\Meereen%20East%20Lead.shp&datafile=C:\Users\username\Desktop\Glex%20demo\utils\Pluto_glexport\discovery_and_prospect_data_Pluto.xlsx"
Ensure that all file paths are correctly formatted and accessible.
The order of the parameters (
) within a single prospect does not matter, but each parameter should be present if needed for that prospect.When specifying multiple prospects, use semicolons (
) to separate them.
By following this structure, you can create deep links that will integrate our software seamlessly with your application. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out