Microsoft .NET 3.5 missing

Microsoft .NET 3.5 missing


I have the “Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 is missing” message on my log-in screen, and Glex won’t start.

Important note: This message is only visible in the UI in versions 2.2.14 and above. The issue and fix is relevant regardless of version.


Fix this issue by installing the Microsoft .NET framework using the following steps:

  1. Open https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=21 in a new web-browser

  2. Download the file. You might get the message below. In that case, choose Keep / Behold.

  3. Open the downloaded file and go through the installation steps

  4. Restart Glex

Why is this needed?

Glex uses the third-party mapping provider Mapbox, which in turn requires that Microsoft .NET Framework is installed to work.


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