Glex development roadmap
Glex development roadmap
Our roadmap is a fluid document, and will be updated on a monthly basis. If you have any requests for new functionality that are not currently on our roadmap, or would like us to prioritize something in our roadmap, please submit a ticket through our service desk: https://glex.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/group/4/create/7
TL;DR: What are we working on right now:
Improving the portfolio view: We are improving the functionality and usability related to displaying and analysing production profile data.
Zone attribute analysis: We are improving on our existing Strat filter, with an extensive zone attribute database and functionality set, including filtering, visualization and plotting of zone attributes in the map.
Changelogs for previously implemented functionality:
Glex Energy (Windows client):
Short term
Well screening and analysis:
The ability to color point objects (wells, facilities, corals, etc.) based on attributes.
Redesign of well tracks, including the possibility to adjust width and dock tracks together.
More plottable data in the stratigraphy filter.
Add the ability to use stratigraphy from multiple sources (NPD, proprietary) in the stratigraphy filter
The ability to display formations in pie charts in the map.
The ability to cross-plot data from multiple wells.
The ability to visualize well trajectories in the map.
Portfolio management and analysis:
Improved tooltips.
The ability to limit the x-axis (year span) of the graphs.
A new Reserves and Resources tab.
The ability to compare two profile sets.
The ability to view and filter based on resource class.
Rulers and selection:
New lasso tool for selection.
Radius ruler and lasso selection will calculate and display the selected surface area.
Prospect inventory:
The ability to view recent changes done to a prospect in a changelog with timestamps.
The ability to import zipped prospects.
The ability to edit prospect data through the table.
The ability to create and maintain CO2 prospect.
Medium term
Portfolio management and analysis:
The ability to create a colour table for assets.
Cumulative production curves.
Simplified revenue, tax, cash-flow and NPV calculations based on user assumptions.
Present and report:
New functionality that gives users more control over visibility and visual properties in the map when creating presentations or exporting images and PDF’s from Glex.
The ability to export views as PDF files.
Longer term
Portfolio management and analysis:
Cross-tenant data sharing:
Document view:
3D surface view:
Prospect/Relinquishment Atlas app (web):
Short term
Medium term
Multiple cases and outlines for a single prospect:
Prospect ranking:
Proprietary prospects:
Data import and edit:
Longer term
UK dataset:
Portfolio Map app (web):
Short term
Medium term
Wittemann integration:
Free texts:
Field Production dashboard (web):
Medium term
Free texts:
Production charts:
Wittemann integration:
Longer term
Report download:
Connectors and integrations:
Short term
Medim term
Longer term
New data:
Short term
Medium term
- 2 Glex Energy (Windows client):
- 2.1 Short term
- 2.2 Medium term
- 2.2.1 Portfolio management and analysis:
- 2.2.2 Present and report:
- 2.2.3 Filters:
- 2.3 Longer term
- 2.3.1 Portfolio management and analysis:
- 2.3.2 Cross-tenant data sharing:
- 2.3.3 Document view:
- 2.3.4 3D surface view:
- 3 Prospect/Relinquishment Atlas app (web):
- 3.1 Short term
- 3.1.1 Notifications:
- 3.2 Medium term
- 3.2.1 Multiple cases and outlines for a single prospect:
- 3.2.2 Prospect ranking:
- 3.2.3 Filtering:
- 3.2.4 Proprietary prospects:
- 3.2.5 Data import and edit:
- 3.3 Longer term
- 3.3.1 UK dataset:
- 3.3.2 Media:
- 3.1 Short term
- 4 Portfolio Map app (web):
- 4.1 Short term
- 4.1.1 General:
- 4.2 Medium term
- 4.2.1 NCS:
- 4.2.2 UKCS:
- 4.2.3 Wittemann integration:
- 4.2.4 Free texts:
- 4.1 Short term
- 5 Field Production dashboard (web):
- 5.1 Medium term
- 5.1.1 Free texts:
- 5.1.2 Production charts:
- 5.1.3 Wittemann integration:
- 5.2 Longer term
- 5.2.1 Report download:
- 5.1 Medium term
- 6 Connectors and integrations:
- 6.1 Short term
- 6.2 Medim term
- 6.3 Longer term
- 7 New data:
- 7.1 Short term
- 7.2 Medium term