Viewing Wells in the Well view
Getting Started
Using filters
Displaying a Wellbore
Wellbore Colouring and Labels
Wellbore data overview
Plotting Data
Plot Types
Bar Plot
Scatter Plot
Multiple Wellbore plotting
Relative Graph Scale
Flattening on a surface
Copying templates over multiple wellbores
Getting Started
The Well View window consists of a Filter Panel to the top left and the wellbore display to the right. On the bottom left is your well list showing all available wellbores. If the wellbores list is empty, check that your wellbore layers are clicked on.
2. Using Filters
In the Filter Panel you can focus your well list to wellbores containing particular data types from different data sources.
Filters operate as a simple has/has not function and can be reset by hitting the reset button at the top. The Well list will dynamically update as you update the filter conditions.
Advanced Filters can also be used to further narrow down your search. These can be found by opening Windows->Advanced Filter.
More on advanced filters: “/Creating an advanced filter - Glex Knowledge Portal - Confluence (”
3) Displaying a Wellbore
To display a wellbore, hover over the wellbore name and click the left icon. A well track will appear in the Display window.
Wellbores display in Measured Depth in metres, from top (0m) to base (Terminal Depth) as defined by the NPD.
a. Wellpath Colouring and Labels
Wellpath Colouring indicates stratigraphic zones present in the wellbore by colouring the wellbore and is practical when displaying multiple wellbores.
GLEX’s default is to display NPD Groups upon opening a wellbore.
To change the wellbore colouring data type, add/remove labels or to remove all together, click the Show drop-down box.
*Note, you can only use a data type commonly available to all plotted wellbores.
b. Wellbore Data Overview
A data overview can be viewed by hovering over the wellbore name in the well header. This lists all viewable data available for the wellbore
By clicking the wellbore symbol to the left you can view your wellbore infobox
4. Plotting Wellbore Data
To plot wellbore data click on the arrow symbol on the right of the wellbore header.
You will then see a drop-down list displaying all available data sources for the wellbore.
*Note: Cuttings and TGS data is available only to members/subscribers
To see what data sets are available for plotting, click on a data source.
Next, click on a data set and it will plot in the well display.
More data can be plotted by clicking in the data sets box. New data panels will appear to the right.
Data panels can be moved left and right by dragging the well header. To change the left-right alignment of data or to remove the panel, click on the options button on the header.
Text-string based data, eg Groups/Formations/Sequences can be deleted by clicking the 'X' in the header.
a. Plot Types
There are currently 3 plot types in GLEX: Bar, Scatter and Pie. To see which data sets are available for each plot type, click on the icon and the window will refresh with plottable data sets.
*Note: Pie Plot is currently only available to RWI Cuttings data
b. Bar Plot
Bar Plot will plot data along the wellbore and differs in functionality depending on the data set. These can be separated into 2 main categories.
Discontinuous data will plot statically as a zone (eg Formations)
Continuous data can be plotted as points or logs (eg cuttings, poro-perm)
For Continuous data, plotting options can be reached by clicking the options symbol on the top right of a bar plot panel. Here you may:
Change your plot’s Left-Right scale orientation
Change your symbol type between bar, dot and line.
Change scale type from linear to logarithmic
Remove the data panel
c. Scatter Plot
Scatter Plot allows you to dynamically plot together two data types from the same data set and combines available stratigraphy data allowing the analysis of specific stratigraphic zones.
To create a plot simply use the data selector on the X and Y axes and select a data type.
Scatter Plot is currently available for RWI cuttings (XRF, XRD, Qemscan) and poro-perm.
Data Averages: When plotting data an average value for X and Y data types will show at the bottom left of the plot window. Averages will update dynamically upon applying depth/stratigraphic filters.
*Note for porosities and permeabilities, averages are representative of poro-perm data points with shared depths and doesn't necessarily represent the entire data set.
Axis Settings
Scale editor: Allows you to set a custom max scale value.
Linear/Logarithmic selector: Toggle between linear and logarithmic axis scaling types.
Axis Scale: Controls the scale of the X and Y axes. GLEX’s default is Best Fit.
Best Fit: Automatically fits max-scales the highest available value for both axes, based on filtered welltop
Log max value: Scales axes to the highest available value for the source of that axis
Full scale: Goes to a pre-defined max for each data type depending on units in the data source.
Custom: Allows you to define your own plot settings
Scatter Plot Filter
It is also possible to apply a stratigraphic filter to your scatter plot, meaning you can plot and analyse specific stratigraphic zones, changing them as you please on the fly.
This can be done by using the drop-down boxes under Depth Interval.
GLEX will by default plot your entire data set
Colouring Options
By hovering over the depth scale you can access the Colouring options. GLEX’s default is the in Gradient Depth colour mode.
Single Colour: White
Gradient depth colouring: Magenta-Turquoise gradient
Stratigraphic Colouring: Here you can select colours based on a stratigraphic data set. In the list you will see all colouring data sets available for your wellbore. Below is an example of a scatter plot with stratigraphic colouring from NPD:Groups.
d. Pie Plotting
Pie-plotting requires a data set in same units, for example % or ppm. Currently only RWI cuttings data have pie-plotting functionality, covering the following data sets:
XRF Major elements, %
XRF Trace elements, ppm
XRD, Mineral Groups, %
Qemscan, %
As a default, the Pie-Plot will be composed of all available data types in a chosen data set.
Data Selector: Allows you to toggle between different data sets
Stratigraphic Filter: Allows you to limit the Pie-Plot to specific stratigraphic zones.
5. Multiple Wellbore plotting
a. Relative Graph Scale
When plotting the same data set on multiple wellbores it is possible to normalize plot scales. For most data types, the plot scale is dynamic and scale to your maximum plotted value in your current zoom-level. By choosing Relative Graph Scales, all plots from the same data set will set scales to the highest value in your current zoom-level, meaning it will adjust dynamically as you zoom in or out..
b. Flattening on a Surface
When visualizing multiple wellbores, it is possible to flatten on a chosen stratigraphic zone. Flattening options can be found at the top of the Well Display window.
Your choices for Stratigraphic Data Source and Flattening Zone are controlled by the data present in wellbores displayed. You can only flatten on a Data Set/Zone combination present in all wellbores.
c. Copying templates from one wellbore to another
To save time when creating complicated plots for multiple wellbores you may copy a wellbore's template to other wellbores present in the Well Display Window.
Copying options are separated into plot types (bar, scatterm pie) can be found at the bottom of your data source overview.